Welcome to the Fourth Ibero-American Week of Global Education!

Join us November 13-16, 2023 and discover how AFS is leading innovation in global citizenship education through the use of emerging technologies.

Explore our program of conferences, workshops and trainings for teachers and AFS members from across the region.


AFS national organizations in Latin America are organizing the Fourth Ibero-American Week of Global Education.

This 4-day virtual event will feature lectures, workshops, and training sessions for teachers in the region and all AFS members. It is scheduled to take place between November 13 and 16, 2023.

This edition will focus on the challenges facing education in 2023, seven years after the global assessment of the UN SDGs and in light of the use of emerging technologies in education.

Experts and educators, along with civil and voluntary organizations, will analyze and discuss the current scenario, marked by war, the return to the classroom, and prolonged uncertainty that affects educators and students around the world.

The conferences and workshops will promote education for cooperation and the development of active global citizenship as a fundamental pillar to achieve quality education. They will also aim to foster the development of essential competencies for a more sustainable, inclusive, and respectful world, embracing intercultural differences.

Event with free admission, prior registration required, limited spots

We extend a warm invitation to all those passionate about teaching, using technology in the classroom, fostering innovation, and promoting global citizenship. Join us by registering and actively participating in the events of the IV Ibero-American Week of Global Education.

Regístrate por Zoom para participar


Join us now!
IV SIEG 2023 _ Día página web _ Day 1 Monday

Opening Conference

AFS and the use of emerging technologies in its processes of global citizenship education.

  • Lucas Welter, Chief OD & Strategy Officer @ AFS Intercultural Programs | EdD, Strategy

Our opening conference at SIEG 2023 will showcase examples of innovation in intercultural education with emerging technologies. An opportunity to share AFS’s experience in its online training processes.

  • Learn how emerging technologies are transforming intercultural education.
  • Discover how AFS has innovated in the design of intercultural learning processes.
  • Find out the benefits of including emerging technologies in the facilitation of intercultural learning processes.
Sign up and join us through Zoom
IV SIEG 2023 _ Día página web _ Day 2 Tuesday

Panel Discussion

Best Practices in Intercultural Learning in the Classroom Using Technological Tools

  • Jhony Abreu Silva. Brasil. Colégio Palas Atena
  • Gabriela Molina. Argentina. Centro Educativo Jerárquicos Salud EESOPA N° 3187
  • Moisés Montero Paniagua. Costa Rica. Colegio Científico Interamericano CATIE

This is an opportunity to learn about best practices in intercultural learning in the classroom using emerging technologies, with educators from different cultures sharing their experiences.

With this panel, you can:

  • Access concrete experiences and best practices in using technology in the classroom.
  • Learn from the perspectives of multiple cultures and educational viewpoints.
  • Have the opportunity to interact with teachers to inquire about their best practices.
  • Explore the future of intercultural education.
Participa en este conversatorio único. Regístrate sin costo
IV SIEG 2023 _ Día página web _ Day 4 Thursday

Closing Panel

Children, Youth, and Technology: How to Use It in Appropriate Spaces and Moments in Life and the Classroom

  • Alejandro Artopoulos. Argentina. Professor of Technology and Educational Change and Academic Director of the Pedagogical Innovation Center at the University of San Andrés.
  • Carolina Pérez Stephens. Chile. Early Childhood Educator at the Catholic University of Chile and Master of Education from Harvard University.

We have gathered two experts to explore how technology integrates into the education of children and youth. Discover the challenges, issues, and solutions they have encountered in their careers.

  • Recognize perspectives on the use of technology in education.
  • Reflect on the quality of education with the use of technology.
  • Discuss about the implications of technology in active global citizenship.
Sign up to participate in our closing event


  1. IV SIEG 2023 _ Panelistas para página web _ Horizontal grande _ Lucas

    Lucas Welter

  2. IV SIEG 2023 _ Panelistas para página web _ Horizontal grande _ Jhony

    Jhony Abreu Silva

  3. IV SIEG 2023 _ Panelistas para página web _ Horizontal grande _ Gabriela

    Gabriela Molina

  4. IV SIEG 2023 _ Panelistas para página web _ Horizontal grande _ Moíses

    Moisés Montero Paniagua

  5. IV SIEG 2023 _ Panelistas para página web _ Horizontal grande _ Alejandro

    Alejandro Artopoulos

  6. IV SIEG 2023 _ Panelistas para página web _ Horizontal grande _ Carolina

    Carolina Pérez