In the Diploma for Educators: AFS Global Competencies Certificate, teachers in Latin America have the opportunity to take an online program of up to 25 hours (six weeks), with synchronous and asynchronous sessions to raise awareness about the culture that surrounds us in our own communities, other cultures and how to cope effectively among them.

The diploma includes the AFS Global UP at Home and facilitated dialogue sessions, specific for the development of global competencies within the classroom, as well as a manual with workshops and activities to promote their learning within their students.


At the end of the course, teachers will be more aware of themselves and the world around them, better able to recognize and respect differences and believe that a multicultural world is necessary to communicate and collaborate across cultures in a conscious way. At the same time they will strengthen skills and abilities such as critical thinking, creative thinking and most importantly, they will be ready to build bridges between their students by promoting diversity and interculturality in the classroom.

Watch the video with the experience of Andrew, from Costa Rica, participant of our 2021 cohorts of the Diploma in Global Competencies.



Virtual spaces that teachers can take at their own pace, through learning modules that include videos, discussion forums and additional activities for the development of the educational objectives of the program.



Virtual dialogue sessions, led by qualified AFS facilitators, in which teachers from Latin America will meet to analyze the learning from the asynchronous modules and share learning and teaching experiences in the region with an emphasis on global competencies.

All activities are conducted in Spanish


Through the diploma course it is possible to develop competencies in four dimensions:

  • Introspection
  • Relationships with others
  • Thinking about the future
  • Development of global competencies in the classroom.

Some of the competencies developed are:

  • Empathy and listen
  • When differences collide
  • Suspending prejudices
  • Cultural value
  • Communication styles
  • Polarized societies
  • Understanding inequality

Value proposition

Asynchronous online modules give educators the opportunity to understand the fundamental concepts of global competencies, to be aware of their need in today’s world and classroom teaching.

Through facilitated dialogues, teachers will be able to share classroom learning experiences in Latin America, which will lead them to find inspiration for innovative virtual and face-to-face classrooms that address the global challenges of the contemporary world.

At the end of the course, educators will have the ability to apply global competencies in their classrooms and will receive a manual with available material to execute didactic and formative activities with their students.


Who is it intended for?

The AFS Diploma for GCC Educators is aimed at the different actors of the Educational Community:

  • Basic and intermediate education teachers
  • Secondary education teachers
  • University teachers
  • Academic coordinators of all educational institutions
  • Administrative personnel
  • Principals and directors of educational institutions
  • Other interested audience

Upon completion of the program, participants will receive the Certificate of Global Competencies special edition diploma for educators, issued by AFS Intercultural Programs and the Latin American Alliance for Intercultural Education.


What are global competencies?

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines global competence as: “the ability to examine and appreciate different perspectives and world views at local, national and international levels, developing the necessary skills to maintain open and respectful interactions with people from different cultures and socio-economic contexts, always acting for the common good and sustainable development”

Global competencies in PISA

Global competencies are indispensable for living in harmony in a multicultural world, in schools, in our communities and in the world, seeking well-being, understanding, tolerance and mutual respect. Improving empathy towards others will help to find common solutions, leading to a decrease in violence.

To educate in this competence, teachers should be an example to follow in relation to values, the ability to analyze cultural differences, teamwork originating from diverse contexts, assertive communication, among others.


What's included?

  • Individual accounts for the virtual learning environment
  • 20 online modules with video content in English or Spanish.
  • Online forum space to reflect with colleagues from around the world
  • Online assessments and activities on course content
  • 4 Guided reflection sessions led by a Certified Facilitator who will make the connection to the educational environment (online)
  • A certificate at the end of the program
  • A teacher’s manual with theoretical material and classroom application activities
  • Membership to the ALEI Global Education Community.

Scholarships are available

Complete the form to make your pre-application

Download the AFS Global Competencies Diploma presentation brochure