AFS Effect+ Program is a hands-on learning program that introduces students to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how to work together to help advance these goals in their communities. The current AFS Effect+ versions available include workshops for teens led by AFS facilitators and a fully free Classroom Edition of the Program for high-school teachers, which includes capacity-building and a toolkit with resources for teaching Active Global Citizenship & the SDGs for high school students.

The Latinamerican Aliance of Intercultural Education, invites all teachers of the region to take part into the educators program.

Toolkit for educators

Piloted with 150 teachers in Brazil, Colombia and New Zealand who participated in the 2020-21 Effect+ for the Classroom Program Capacity-Building for Teachers, the Effect+ Toolkit for Educators is now available to all teachers worldwide free of charge.

Please fill in the form below to access the Toolkit. After you click submit, the page will refresh and show a link to download the Toolkit for free.

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Imagen Efecto + 2

Capacity building for teachers

Thanks to the generous support of The Sir Cyril Taylor Charitable Foundation, high school teachers can also benefit from this program. The Effect+ for the Classroom Program equips educators with the intercultural skills needed to address the SDGs with their students through a virtual teacher-tailored capacity-building program.

During this international virtual teacher training program, participants will: 
  • Explore different views, cultures and ways of life in a collaborative virtual learning environment;
  • Make local and global connections with other educators interested in Global Citizenship Education;
  • Experience different training and teaching styles;
  • Earn the AFS Global Competence Certificate upon completion, indicating the number of hours of engagement, and the knowledge and skills developed.
Programming includes: 
  • The research-based Global Up Educators, a 8-week virtual learning certification which includes self-paced video modules, discussion forums, and facilitated live sessions to connect with other teachers run by trained AFS Facilitators via Zoom;
  • Access to teaching resources, tools for self-reflection and connection with teachers from over 15 countries to share experiences and best practices through a virtual community of practice;
  • The opportunity to get international recognition for a social impact project developed by students with their teachers’ guidance for the 2022 Cyril Taylor Young Leaders Awards.

The 2021-22 program is being offered fully free for 300 high school teachers from Argentina. Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela.

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The highlights of the program were the insights i had while going through it, the live sessions, and the quality of input from participants (sessions, forums, etc…)

Feedback from a Colombian teacher, program participant in 2020.

Call for Applications

Join an international virtual teacher training program and earn your AFS Global Competence Certificate for free!

AFS Intercultural Programs is offering a special opportunity for high-school teachers from Country to join an international capacity-building program and earn the AFS Global Competence Certificate at no charge. This 8-month long flexible online program includes: 

The Global Up Educators, a 8-week virtual learning certification which includes self-paced video modules, facilitated live sessions, discussion forums and quizzes.

Objectives & Scope

Selected by UNESCO-APCEIU as one of Education for Intercultural Understanding & Global Citizenship Education Best Practices in 2021, the AFS Effect+ for the Classroom Program will support teachers as they learn to both become Globally Competent themselves and how to develop Global Competence in their students. During this program, participants will:
  • Explore different views, cultures and ways of life in a collaborative virtual learning environment
  • Make local and global connections with other educators interested in Global Citizenship Education
  • Experience different training and teaching styles
  • Earn a certificate of completion indicating the number of hours of engagement

The program will cover topics such as empathy and active listening, addressing stereotypes, communication styles, dealing with conflict, avoiding microaggressions, 21st century-skills, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and Globally Competent Teaching.

Application & Commitment

Interested teachers can apply via the form at the bottom of this page by Wednesday, 20 October 2021. All educators will be notified of their acceptance by 22 October 2021 via email.

Applicants should meet the following requirements:

Must currently serve as a high school (secondary) teacher for 14-18 year-old students

Apply now!